Tuesday, July 13, 2021

R Code Finding Stanovich

x= sample(x = -1000:1000, size  = 500)
y= sample(x = -1000:1000, size  = 500)
xpos = sample(x = 0:1000, size  = 250)
ypos = sample(x = 0:1000, size  = 250)
s = c()
t = c()

for (q in 1:1000) {
  x= sample(x = -1000:1000, size  = 500)
  y= sample(x = -1000:1000, size  = 500)
  xpos = sample(x = 0:1000, size  = 250)
  ypos = sample(x = 0:1000, size  = 250)
  s[q] = c(summary(lm(x~y))$coefficients[1,4])
  t[q] = c(summary(lm(xpos~ypos))$coefficients[1,4])


e= sample(x = 0:1000, size  = 500)
f= sample(x = 0:1000, size  = 500)
epos = sample(x = 0:500, size  = 250)
fpos = sample(x = 0:500, size  = 250)
k = c()
h = c()

for (q in 1:1000) {
  e= sample(x = 0:1000, size  = 250)
  f= sample(x = 0:1000, size  = 250)
  epos = sample(x = 0:500, size  = 125)
  fpos = sample(x = 0:500, size  = 125)
  k[q] = c(summary(lm(e~f))$coefficients[1,4])
  h[q] = c(summary(lm(epos~fpos))$coefficients[1,4])


Summary of findings: splitting the data into a half-sized category with a positive/negative split creates a nearly immeasurable difference where the normal data reveals no relationship, while the split data "reveals" a statistical significance strong enough to be considered a cosmic or particle physics discovery. With just the positive data, both come out as "significant" but the significance gets cut in half with the split data.

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